Sunday, February 21, 2010

Menghindari resiko tersambar petir.

Jakarta, Angin kencang, awan gelap dan hujan adalah tanda peringatan akan datangnya petir. Semua tempat punya risiko tersambar petir tapi ada beberapa tindakan yang dapat mengurangi risiko terkena sambaran petir.

Bahaya tersambar petir berakibat sangat serius mulai dari pingsan, terbakar hingga menyebabkan kematian. Tapi banyak orang yang meremehkan bahaya petir saat cuaca sedang buruk.

Seperti dikutip dari NOAA's National Weather Service, Minggu (21/2/2010), di Amerika petir lebih mematikan dari pada topan atau tornado. Rata-rata petir membunuh 73 orang dan melukai 300 orang per tahun di Amerika.

Sambaran petir ini sangat berbahaya karena bisa merusak sirkulasi darah, pernapasan dan sistem saraf. Itulah yang menyebabkan orang sampai mati jika tersambar petir secara langsung.

Petir terjadi karena adanya tarik-menarik antara muatan positif dan negatif di atmosfer yang mengakibatkan penumpukan energi listrik. Pemanasan dan pendinginan udara yang cepat ini menghasilkan gelombang kejut yang nantinya menghasilkan petir.

Selama terjadi badai, hujan akan mendapat tambahan elektron yang bermuatan negatif. Kelebihan elektron ini nantinya akan mencari muatan positif di tanah. Muatan ini mengalir dari awan dan mencari elektron bebas lain untuk kemudian menciptakan jalur konduktif. Ketika lonjakan arus yang melewati jalur ini semakin tinggi terciptalah petir.

Jika petir datang segeralah mencari tempat tertutup yang aman untuk berlindung. Perhatikan pula tempat-tempat yang sebaiknya dihindari.

1. Jika Anda terperangkap di luar segera masuk ke dalam bangunan. Tidak ada tempat yang aman di luar. Larilah ke mobil atau bangunan yang aman setelah Anda mendengar guntur.
2. Jangan berada di sawah, lapangan, taman. Karena petir mencari tanah untuk melepaskan energinya.
3. Jika sedang di kolam renang dan terlihat tanda-tanda awan sudah gelap segeralah ke luar karena kolam renang adalah sasaran empuk buat petir melepas energi.
4. Jangan berlindung di bawah pohon karena pohon yang tersambar petir energinya bisa melompat ke tubuh.
5. Jauhi tiang listrik, menara atau sesuatu yang tinggi yang mudah tersambar petir.
6. Jika sedang berteduh di luar ruangan jangan terlalu dekat dengan orang lain setidaknya beri jarak 3-5 meter untuk menghindari lontaran energi jika ada petir.
7. Jika sedang mengendarai motor segeralah berhenti dan cari tempat berlindung.

Tempat yang aman dari petir adalah:
1. Mobil, karena petir hanya akan mengelilingi permukaan mobil lalu energinya jatuh ke tanah.
2. Rumah, dengan syarat jika ada petir cabut stop kontak listrik seperti televisi dan komputer karena antena TV bisa menghantarkan listrik yang tersambar petir. Jauhi teras. Jangan menelpon pakai telpon rumah karena arus listrik bisa melewati sambungan telpon. Pakai telpon genggam lebih aman. Menjauhlah dari peralatan rumah yang terbuat dari logam seperti kusen atau pegangan pintu dari logam.

Asal tahu saja, kilat dapat menyambar di tempat yang sama sebanyak dua kali atau bahkan ratusan kali. Kondisi yang menarik bagi petir tidak mungkin berubah. Jadi jika ada sambaran petir dekat dengan Anda, jangan menganggap Anda sudah aman.

NOAA's National Weather Service menyarankan Anda mengikuti aturan 30/30 untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah aman atau belum. Caranya menghitung detik setelah ada sambaran kilat. Jika Anda mendengar petir mulailah menghitung dalam waktu 30 detik kemudian berlarilah ke tempat yang aman. Jangan ke luar ruangan lagi sampai 30 menit setelah bunyi petir terakhir.

Fakta tentang petir:
1. Udara dalam petir panasnya mencapai 50.000 derajat fahrenheit
2. Tanah yang tersambar petir menghasilkan listrik 100 juta sampai 1 miliar volt listrik
3. Panas sambaran kilat lima kali lebih panas dari permukaan matahari.

PKS Minta SBY Siapkan Dua Pengganti Wapres Boediono

Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) mulai membuka siapa yang akan disebut paling bertanggungjawab terkait skandal bail out Bank Century, Rp 6.7 triliun. Melalui salah seorang anggota pansusnya, Andi Rahmat, fraksinya dalam pandangan akhir akan menyebut nama Wapres Boediono dan Menkeu Sri Mulyani.

"Nama yang bertanggungjawab akan kita sebutkan, Boediono (Gubernur BI) dan Sri Mulyani (Ketua KSSK). Itu konsekuensi jabatan seseorang. Dalam kasus ini apa boleh buat sebab kita temukan pelanggaran. Kami mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan data, kami siap buka data itu asal tidak dimuat di koran-koran," kata Andi Rahmat dalam diskusi di DPR, Jumat (19/2/2010).
Dikatakan, bangsa Indonesia sudah tahan dengan tekanan. Saat Soeharto jatuh, katanya, bangsa ini tahan. Begitu juga saat Gus Dur jatuh tidak ada apa-apa dan biasa saja.

"Kadang semua terlalu didramatisir seakan-akan hal buruk akan terjadi. Pemilu 2004 dan 2009 aman dan tidak berdarah-darah. Ada pernyataan kalau Sri Mulyani diganti maka ekonomi rusak, itu bentuk dramatisasi. Saya lebih senang kalau Achsanul Qosasih menjadi Menkeu atau sebagai orang Makasar saya akan setuju jika Amir Syamsudin menjadi wakil presiden," katanya diplomatis.

"Pansus (skandal Bank Century) ini adalah proses biasa, dan kalau ada wakil presiden dimakzulkan maka presiden punya hak untuk mengusulkan 2 nama. Tolong kita melihat perkara ini jangan terlalu didramatisir. Nah, lobi itu biasanya menjelang akhir pengambilan keputusan, dan kami mencoba mengimbangi itu. Kami mencoba berkeliling menemui Hasyim Muzadi, Wiranto dan lain-lain. Yang membuat bangsa ini bertahan adalah semangat demokratis namun tidak disadari oleh lembaga-lembaga negara," urainya.

"Kami tidak berpikir Boediono akan digantikan siapa, kami akan menjadi apa, yang kita mau adalah check and balances," tandas Andi Rahmat.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue.
Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast.

The cause is unknown, but there are some risk factors that cause a woman to be more likely to have breast cancer.

Risk Factors
Several factors influencing risk are:
1. Age.
Approximately 60% of breast cancer occurs in over 60 years of age. Greatest risk found in women aged over 75 years.
2. Never had breast cancer.
After the affected breast removed, then the risk of breast cancer in healthy increased by 0,5-1% / year.
3. Family history of breast cancer.
Women are mothers, sisters or children suffering from cancer, a risk 3 times more likely to have breast cancer.
4. Genetic and hormonal factors.
5. Disease had non-cancerous breast.
6. Menarche (first menstruation) before age 12 years, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.
7. Kb pills or estrogen replacement therapy.
8. Obesity after menopause.
9. Use of alcohol.
10 The use of alcohol more than 1-2 cups / day can increase the risk of breast cancer.
11. Chemicals.
Several studies have mentioned the chemical exposure that resemble estrogen (contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer.
12. DES (diethylstilbestrol).
Women who take DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer.
13 radiation.

Symptoms and Signs
The initial symptoms in the form of a lump that is usually perceived differently from the surrounding breast tissue, painless and usually have an irregular edge.

In the early stages, when driven by a finger, a lump can be moved easily under the skin.
At an advanced stage, the lump is usually attached to the chest wall or the surrounding skin. In advanced-stage cancer, can form a swollen lump or breast skin ulcers.
Sometimes the skin over the lump shrank and looked like an orange peel.

Other symptoms that may be found is a lump or mass in the armpit, change the size or shape of the breast, an abnormal discharge from the nipple
(usually bloody or yellow to green, may also be pus), a change in color or texture of the skin on the breast, nipple and areola (dark brown berwana area around the nipple),
breast looks red, the skin around the nipple scaly, nipples are interested in or feel itchy, painful swelling of the breasts or one breast.
At an advanced stage may arise bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or ulcerated skin.

Many risk factors can not be controlled. Some experts diet and cancer experts believe that the changes in diet and lifestyle in general can reduce the incidence of cancer.

Endeavored to make early diagnosis of breast cancer easier to treat and can disembuhan if still in early stages.

Be aware, examine the clinical breast and mammography as a screening procedure to detect the 3 instruments at an early stage cancer.

Treatment usually begins after the comprehensive assessment of the condition of the patient, ie about 1 week or more after the biopsy.
The treatment consists of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone inhibitors.

Radiation therapy used to kill cancer cells in the tumor removal and the surrounding area, including the lymph nodes.

Chemotherapy (a combination of drugs to kill cells that multiply quickly or pressing breeding) and drug-hormone inhibitors (drugs that affect the hormones that support the growth of cancer cells) are used to suppress the growth of cancer cells throughout the body.

jangan minum air putih sebelum makan

Untuk mengurangi makan berlebih banyak orang minum air terlebih dahulu sesaat sebelum makan. Sebaiknya hilangkan kebiasaan itu, jika ingin minum sebelum makan lakukanlah satu jam sebelum waktu makan.

Mengonsumsi air terlalu banyak tepat sebelum makan memang membuat Anda kehilangan nafsu makan karena lambung menjadi penuh. Tapi minum air sesaat sebelum makan akan membuat proses penyerapan makanan oleh enzim menjadi lebih sulit.

Karena air yang diminum butuh waktu 30 menit mengalir dari lambung menuju usus. Sehingga jika minum sesaat sebelum makan, belum sempat air menuju usus sudah ditambah dengan makanan yang membuat enzim bekerja lebih sulit.

Profesor Hiromi Shinya MD, pakar enzim yang juga guru besar kedokteran di Albert Einstein College of Medicine AS, seperti dikutip dari karangannya, 'The Miracle of Enzyme', Sabtu (20/2/2010), menyarankan agar minum air putih dilakukan 1 jam sebelum waktu makan.

Seperti halnya tanaman, menurutnya ada periode yang baik untuk minum karena pengairan yang berlebihan pada tanaman akan membuat tanaman menjadi busuk dan layu. Sehingga ada periode waktu yang sesuai untuk tubuh minum air.

Cara ideal untuk mencukupi kebutuhan air untuk tubuh adalah:

1-3 gelas saat bangun tidur pada pagi hari
2-3 gelas, 1 jam sebelum makan siang
2-3 gelas, 1 jam sebelum makan malam.

Menurutnya yang harus diperhatikan adalah minum air setelah bangun tidur karena cairan yang hilang harus cepat diganti saat bangun tidur.

Profesor Hiromi tidak menyarankan minum air sebelum tidur tapi jika sangat haus bisa dilakukan satu jam sebelum waktu tidur.

Minum air sesaat sebelum tidur bisa mencegah terjadinya aliran balik. Walaupun hanya air, jika bercampur dengan asam lambung bisa memasuki tenggorokan dan terhirup ke dalam paru-paru yang dikhawatirkan risiko menderita pneumonia.

Biasakanlah tidur dengan perut kosong karena tenggorokan dirancang agar tidak ada yang masuk ke dalamnya selain udara. Jika masih ada makanan atau minuman, isi lambung akan meluap naik menuju kerongkongan saat Anda merebahkan diri. Saat itu terjadi, tubuh akan menyempitkan saluran pernapasannya dan menghentikan pernapasan Anda untuk mencegah isi lambung memasuki tenggorokan.

Banyak kejadian orang meninggal akibat serangan jantung pada dini hari. Penyebabnya adalah karena asam yang mengalir balik sebagai akibat makan atau minum larut malam, dan berakhir pada tertutupnya saluran pernapasan, kemudian napas jadi tidak teratur, kadar oksigen dalam darah berkurang dan akhirnya kurang persediaan oksigen menuju otot jantung.

Diakuinya, kebutuhan minum tiap orang berbeda tapi biasakan untuk minum air 6-8 gelas per hari (1,5-2 liter) untuk orang dewasa. Jika cuaca sangat panas misalnya maka orang akan membutuhkan minum yang lebih banyak. Sebaliknya orang yang mengalami sistem pencernaan lemah dapat mengalami diare jika minum terlalu banyak.

Banyaknya air yang dibutuhkan seseorang berbeda-beda tergantung pada ukuran tubuh orang tersebut dan apa yang dianggap sesuai untuk tubuhnya. Hanya saja tetap perhatikan waktu-waktu untuk minum yang ideal, di luar kebutuhan minum lainnya.

Jika kebutuhan air terpenuhi dengan baik maka Anda akan jarang terkena sakit. Saat kebutuhan air terpenuhi, air akan melembabkan area-area dalam tubuh yang mudah diserang oleh bakteri dan virus seperti daerah bronkus (pipa saluran pernapasan), mukosa lambung dan usus. Dengan begitu sistem kekebalan tubuh menjadi aktif sehingga area-area tersebut menjadi sulit diserang virus atau bakteri.

Sebaliknya jika air yang dikonsumsi kurang, membran mukus pada bronkus akan mengalami dehidrasi dan mengering, dimana dahak dan lendir diproduksi dalam bronkus. Jika tidak ada air yang cukup maka dahak dan lendir akan menempel pada bronkus yang kemudian menjadi tempat berkembangbiaknya virus dan bakteri.

Air penting bagi tubuh. Jika tidak ada air orang tidak hanya kekurangan gizi, tapi kotoran dan racun juga akan terkumpul di dalam sel dan tidak dapat dikeluarkan. Efek buruknya, racun yang terakumulasi itu akan merusak sel-sel gen yang salah satunya bisa menyebabkan berubahnya gen menjadi sel kanker.

Friday, February 19, 2010

restoran halal di paris

PARIS - Sebuah restoran cepat saji di Prancis menawarkan sebuah menu baru yang membuat berang beberapa politisi di Prancis. Restoran ini menawarkan menu burger halal dalam layanannya, sekaligus tidak lagi menjual burger daging babi.

Restoran cepat saji yang bernama Quick ini menarik penggunaan daging babi di salah satu cabangnya di kota Roubaix, Utara Prancis. Layanan serupa juga mereka terapkan di cabang mereka di Marseille dan Argenteuil.

Layanan ini dilakukan oleh Quick sebagai respons meningkatnya pasar makanan halal yang dicari oleh warga muslim.

Layanan yang dimaksudkan untuk menarik pelanggan muslim ini, langsung mengundang kecaman dari politisi garis keras Prancis. Sebagian politisi dari golongan kiri dan sayap kanan Prancis menilai, pengalihan dari menu mengandung babi ke menu halal termasuk untuk burger, dianggap menekan hak warga nonmuslim Prancis untuk mendapatkan menu sehari-hari mereka.

Akibat layanan baru dari Quick ini, menyebabkan warga nonmuslim harus berjalan jauh untuk mencari cabang Quick lain yang masih menyediakan menu daging babi. Walikota Roubaix Frank Berton melayangkan keberatannya atas tindakan yang dinilai diskriminatif ini. Ia pun melayangkan tuntutan hukum atas hal ini.

"Saya tidak terganggu dengan tersedianya menu halal," ucap Walikota Roubaix, Frank Berton seperti dikutip AFP, Jumat (19/2/2010). "Tetapi layanan ini menjadi satu-satunya yang disediakan dan menjadikannya layanan yang diskriminatif," lanjut Frank Berton.

Politisi sayap kanan Prancis Marine Le Pen menuduh, jika menu halal ini menyediakan jaminan finansial bagi organisasi muslim yang membenarkan pembantaian binatang seperti sapi dan kambing, yang berbalut atas nama kurban.

Le Pen sendiri mengecam jika menu halal ini tidak dapat diterima dan menilai hal tersebut merupakan bentuk Islamisasi yang kian dekat ke masyarakat Prancis.

Iran president Ahmadinejad accepts nuclear deal terms

Iran president Ahmadinejad accepts nuclear deal terms

Iran's president has said it is ready to send its enriched uranium abroad for further enrichment under a deal to ease concerns about its nuclear programme.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told state TV that Iran would have "no problem" if most of its stock was held for several months before being returned as fuel rods.
Correspondents say the decision would be a major shift in Tehran's position, but there is scepticism in the West.
The US said that if Iran was serious it should tell the UN's nuclear watchdog.
Last month, diplomats said Iran had informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that it did not accept the terms of the deal and had instead demanded a simultaneous exchange on its territory.
The US and its allies fear Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.
'Definitive answer'
The deal agreed in October between Iran, the IAEA and the so-called P5+1 - the US, Russia, China, UK, France plus Germany - envisaged Iran sending about 70% of its low-enriched uranium to Russia and France, where it would be processed into fuel for a research reactor.
But for months, Iranian officials publically criticised the terms and said they were unwilling to export the uranium without simultaneously receiving fuel in return. The proposal proved unacceptable to the West.
But in a television interview on Tuesday, President Ahmadinejad dismissed the concerns of his "colleagues" that the West would not return the uranium, saying Iran would respond by producing more.
"We have no problem sending our enriched uranium abroad," he said.
"We say: We will give you our 3.5% enriched uranium and will get the fuel. It may take four to five months until we get the fuel.
"If we send our enriched uranium abroad and then they do not give us the 20% enriched fuel for our reactor, we are capable of producing it inside Iran."

Reacting to Mr Ahmadinejad's comments, US state department spokesman P J Crowley called on Iran to give the IAEA a definitive answer.
"We are not prepared to change the deal. We are not interested in renegotiating it. If Iran wants to accept it then they should inform the IAEA," he told the Reuters news agency.
BBC Tehran correspondent Jon Leyne, reporting from London, says that even now there will be scepticism over whether this change of heart really means anything.
The US is pressing hard for new sanctions against Iran because of the nuclear programme, so this could well just be a case of the Iranian government playing for time, trying to weaken forces lined up against it, he says.
In his interview, Mr Ahmadinejad also said there were ongoing negotiations about a possible prisoner swap for several Iranians jailed in the US for the three American hikers currently being held in Iran.
"There are some talks under way to have an exchange, if it is possible," he said. "We are hopeful that all prisoners will be released."
Mr Ahmadinejad did not mention any specifics, but in December Tehran released a list of 11 Iranians it says are being held in US prisons, including a nuclear scientist who disappeared in Saudi Arabia and a former defence ministry official who vanished in Turkey. The US has denied any knowledge of their whereabouts.
"I had said I would help in releasing them, but the attitude of some of the US officials damages the job," he said. "There are a large number of Iranians in prison in the US. They have abducted some of our citizens in other countries."
However, US National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer told Agence France-Presse news agency: "We have not entered into any discussion with Iran about an exchange."
The three Americans - Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Josh Fattal - were hiking in Iraq's northern Kurdistan region in July when they accidentally crossed the border, their families have said. Iranian prosecutors say they have been accused of spying.
Earlier, US Vice-President Joe Biden warned that Iran's leaders were "sowing the seeds of their own destruction" by suppressing the opposition protests that followed the disputed re-election of Mr Ahmadinejad in June.
"The people of Iran are thinking about, the very people marching, they're thinking about regime change," he told MSNBC.

Biggest bank collapse, failure Evidence Maya Shield USA

WASHINGTON (SuaraMedia News) - Shortly after the United States appointed a new coordinator for cyberspace security, U.S. intelligence agencies, the FBI, said that there are a number of Russian computer hackers who have managed to break into and drain the contents of banks in the U.S..
The FBI is investigating the activities of criminal gangs from the Russian Internet. Reportedly there are millions of dollars of missing money from U.S. banks.

The hacker, known as the Russian Business Network, not heard his voice in the last two years after masterminding a series of crimes. These include, identity theft, fraud, spam, and child pornography.

However, the group came from Russia are back in action, as disclosed in a news report in the Wall Street Journal. Citigroup noted that the focus of the FBI investigation in connection with the Russian gerimbolan action.

Newspapers are claiming that there was an organized attack by the network. The result, large amounts of money floating after the network computer system Citigroup target.

Reports on the cyberspace attacks occurred only one day ago, after Washington appointed as chief Howard Schmidt cyberspace security.

Schmidt, who also held similar positions for several years in the George W. Bush, entrusted with the responsibility to coordinate the efforts of the U.S. government, military and intelligence to block the invasion of hackers.

There are a number of reports of hacker attacks against the U.S. government in recent months, including the theft of money worth more than $ 9 million from the system's Royal Bank of Scotland. The threat was made President Barack Obama make the defense against Internet attacks as a national security priority, a policy shift that led to the appointment of Schmidt.

Citigroup's largest financial services companies in the world, denied that the FBI is conducting an investigation into the bank. Citigroup also denied that there was such a piercing.

"There is absolutely no system break-ins, no one lost. There is no loss to the bank and customers, "said Joe Petro, managing director of security and investigation of Citigroup. "It is not true that there is a case of losing millions of dollars that the FBI handled."

A bank spokesman said there was a depleted checking account customers more than $ 1 million because of broken hackers.

Origin of attack is still a matter of debate, but some reports said about the return of one of the criminal group most known Internet. The organization had disappeared in 2007 after moving base of operations from St. Petersburg to China. Vacuum long enough to make a number of the suspect that the group has disbanded, but experts say that the influence of these groups of organized crime is still quite strong.

"All clues lead to the resurrection there cyberspace crimes," said Antor Chuvakin, a computer security specialist in San Jose.

Burglary incident was not the first time this has happened to Citigroup or its bank customers. At the beginning of this year, Albert Gonzalez, a 28-year-old hacker from Florida have been accused of organizing a series of computer attacks that cause damage worth millions of dollars over a period of several years.

Citibank is one of the banks who were targeted attacks, which resulted in more than 45 million credit card numbers stolen.

Powerful attacks, the U.S. site burglarized Tens Hacker!

WASHINGTON (SuaraMedia) - Powerful attacks against sites in the United States re-occur again by cyberspace security, U.S. intelligence agencies, the FBI, and even casualties reached 49 sites owned by U.S. board members. And the perpetrators responsible for these actions are breaking Brazilian hackers.

The site's 49 board members the U.S. (House of Representative) burglarized hackers from Brazil, after the first speech kenegeraan President Barack Obama in front of council members finished reading. The breaker successfully change the look of the site with white background and a message directed at Obama because the policies he had taken.

Reported by PC Magazine, Monday (1/2/2010), Latin American hacker who claimed himself as the Red Eye Crew was deliberately using that site 49 inadvertence. Their success in ruffled sites in significant amounts due, these sites managed by GovTrends. The funny thing is again, the site itself had changed GovTrends view the site in August ago.
Seeing this, the U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reacted with Jhon Republican Party Chairman Boehner, they asked the government to be responsible, and immediately conduct an investigation of the attack action.

Before the investigation was going, there are disturbing findings, so far the council members to change password never given since the site was made. As a result, this strong suspicion that used by the destroyer's illegal. Because true, said the secret key must be changed at least three months.

However, the U.S. House of Representatives members would not simply be blamed, they blamed the incident GovTrends. Because, according to the U.S. House of Representatives earlier reports, the attacks on sites managed services formerly GovTrend have weaknesses in terms of security.

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* Enable comment moderation? ⇒ select (should be).

* Show word verification for comments? ⇒ select Yes. This in intended to avoid the robot software in order to spam.

* Show profile images on comments? ⇒ select yes. So the picture commentators have en blogger wrote, can display the picture.

* Email Notification Comments dg ⇒ contents your email address, this meant that every one commented on your article, you can post an email from as notification.

* Click the Save Settings button. Done

7. Click Archive Archive To set the menu:

* Frequency Monthly Archive ⇒ select.

* Enable Post Pages? ⇒ select yes.

* Click the Save Settings button. Done.

8. Click Sites to regulate Fedd menu site feed:

* Allow Blog Feed ⇒ select Full.

* Post URL ⇒ Changing the Direction of Feed in a feed content to address such penggati feed address of the feed burner, if you do not have, in clear only.

* Post Feed Footer ⇒ Please fill in the ad code you have, for example code from the Google Adsense ads, etc., but if you do not have, please empty it.

* Click the Save Changes button. Done.

One job was done, stay to meet other work ..

Guide to Blog on Blogspot

Maybe there among you-you who do not know about blogs and wondering about the blog, then I will review some of the blogs by my own version.

1. What is a Blog?

Blog (short for web log) is a site that is more personal, the more weight to the depiction of the maker's own blog.

Blog created by designers blog providers that work automatically and easy to operate, so for those of us who are still confused with the programming language to create a website is not a problem. If you are able to create an email account on the internet, then in any blog I am sure you can.

2. How to create a blog

Just as e-mail, in a blog too we must have an account first, so please register yourself first at the free blog providers (hosting provider / domain blog for free). Free blog providers are very much on the Internet and some popular right now is, and

In this opportunity I will review about how the blog at, Please click the image below to register.

create blog now

Once you are on the site, you will see an image like the picture above. Please do the following steps:

1. Click the arrow that says "CREATE YOUR BLOG"

2. Fill in the email address with your email address (must be valid)

3. Fill in your return email address was in the form Retype email address

4. Write down the password you want to form Enter a password

5. Fill in your password again in the form Keyik was reset your password (password)

6. Fill Display Name with the name you want to show

7. Write an article which is listed on the Word Verification form. Put a tick / check the box on the edge of writing and I accept the Terms of Service.

8. Click image arrows labeled "CONTINUE"

9. Write a blog title that you want (will be on fox again) in the form Title Blog

10. Write the name of your site in the form Blog Address (URL)

11. Write the verification text that is displayed on the verification form, if it is finished click the arrow that says 'CONTINUE'.

12. Choose an image (template) that you want (will be on fox again), then click the arrow that says "CONTINUE"

13. After leaving the words "Your blog has been in iptakan". Click the arrow labeled "START POSTING". Please write down all you want, when you finish, click the "MEMPUBLISKAN POST".

3. Contents (Content) blog:

For starters, they are usually confused after making a list of what to blog on the contents (posted) in a blog. Contents (content) from a blog, of course, is up kepadasi owner's own blog, if not the content of poetry, the journey of life, engineering, or whatever. Well here I am suggesting, fill your blog with interest or hobby and your own expertise, since of course out there a lot of the same peoplewho would interest her, and your hobby, so they will be interested to read your writings.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Google admits Buzz social network testing flaws

By Jonathan Fildes
Technology reporter, BBC News

Google Buzz homepage
The site's "auto follow" feature raised privacy concerns

Google has admitted to BBC News that testing of its controversial social network Buzz was insufficient.

The firm has had to make a series of changes to the service after a ferocious backlash from users concerned about intrusions of privacy.

The BBC understands that Buzz was only tested internally and bypassed more extensive trials with external testers - used for many other Google services.

Google said that it was now working "extremely hard" to fix the problems.

"We're very early in this space. This was one of our first big attempts," Todd Jackson, Buzz product manager, told BBC News.

"We've been testing Buzz internally at Google for a while. Of course, getting feedback from 20,000 Googlers isn't quite the same as letting Gmail users play with Buzz in the wild."

Many of the firm's new services are tested by the so-called Google Trusted Tester program, a network of friends and family of Google employees who are given confidential access to products before they launch.

Buzz was not tested by this program.

The firm has now set up a "war room" at Google HQ to bring together engineers and product managers to make decisions about what changes need to be made to Buzz.

"If it becomes clear that people don't think we've done enough, we'll make more changes," said Mr Jackson.

He acknowledged that many of the networks "tens of millions" of users were "rightfully upset" and that the firm was "very, very sorry".

"We know we need to improve things."

Privacy priorities

Buzz was launched on 9 February. The service, which is integrated with Gmail, allows users to post status updates, share content and read and comment on friends' posts.

One problem that immediately caused concern was Google's decision to automatically give users a ready-made circle of friends based on the people they most frequently e-mailed.

Facebook page
The launch was widely seen as a challenge to Facebook

Unless users changed settings in their profile, this list could automatically be made public, allowing anyone to see who a user corresponded with most frequently.

Mr Jackson told BBC News that the decision to create these automatic lists was borne out of the idea that Google "wanted to provide a great user experience straight out of the box".

But privacy experts immediately pointed out this could cause problems for journalists, businesses or even people having an illicit affair.

Evgeny Morozov, a Belarus-born researcher and blogger who looks at the political implications of the internet, also raised concerns.

"If I were working for the Iranian or the Chinese government, I would immediately dispatch my internet geek squads to check on Google Buzz accounts for political activists and see if they have any connections that were previously unknown to the government," he wrote

As a result of complaints, Google said Buzz would now only suggest people who a user might want to be friends with.

The company has also announced steps to make it easier to disable Buzz altogether and to ensure that people's accounts do not automatically connect with online Picasa photo albums and items that people may store in their Google Reader accounts.

The changes were in part thrashed out at a company-wide meeting on 12 February at Google headquarters.

"We realize that we didn't get things quite right - we're working extremely hard to fix this," said Mr Jackson.

He said that "transparency and control" were "top priorities" and that users would "continue to see improvements".

Code challenge

Other possible changes include a better "preferences menu" that will allow users to better tailor what appears in their inbox, and a more prominent "mute" option to switch the service off.

Another idea, said Mr Jackson, was to create a separate service that was not part of Gmail.

"We think that integration with Gmail was absolutely the right way to go - we wanted to make Buzz easily accessible to people," he said.

"We also want to give people who don't use Gmail the ability to use Buzz, so we're exploring the idea of offering a separate destination site."

The most recently announced changes would go live "this week", he added.

"We worked around the clock to make the code changes for these improvements; now we're putting them through a full testing process to identify any bugs and translating them into 53 languages so they reach all Gmail users."

Asked if the Google founders - Larry Page and Sergey Brin - or any of the executive team would issue an apology for breaching their user's trust, a Google spokesperson said: "Google has apologised - we're very sorry for the concern we caused."

US to build two new nuclear power stations

President Barack Obama has announced more than $8bn (£5bn) of federal loan guarantees to begin building the first US nuclear power stations for 30 years.

Two new plants are to be constructed in the state of Georgia by US electricity firm Southern Company.

Mr Obama said the plants would be "safe and clean" and were needed to meet the country's future energy needs.

There have been no new nuclear power plants started in the US since the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island.

The accident was caused by the partial core meltdown of one of the reactors at the site in Pennsylvania, which resulted in a release of radioactive gases into the atmosphere.

While the president said the US had not "broken ground on a ... new nuclear power plant in 30 years", some US nuclear plants only became operational in the 1980s, despite construction beginning years earlier.

'Well-paid jobs'

The two new reactors will be built at an existing nuclear facility in Georgia.He added that it was "only the beginning" of efforts to develop a new generation of safe and clean energy-efficient technologies, which would help fight climate change.

Southern Company said the work would create about 3,000 construction jobs and 850 people would subsequently be permanently employed when the reactors became operational.

'Meet energy needs'

"On an issue which affects our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, we cannot continue to be mired in the same old debates between left and right, between environmentalists and entrepreneurs," said President Obama.

"To meet our growing energy needs and prevent the worst consequences of climate change, we'll need to increase our supply of nuclear power. It's that simple."

Southern's chief executive David Ratcliffe said the president's announcement was "an important endorsement in the role nuclear power must play in diversifying our nation's energy mix and helping to curb greenhouse gas emissions".

There are currently 104 operating nuclear reactors across 31 states in the US, which provide about one-fifth of the country's electricity.

Meanwhile, there are currently 56 new nuclear reactors being built around the world.