Friday, February 19, 2010

Guide to Blog on Blogspot

Maybe there among you-you who do not know about blogs and wondering about the blog, then I will review some of the blogs by my own version.

1. What is a Blog?

Blog (short for web log) is a site that is more personal, the more weight to the depiction of the maker's own blog.

Blog created by designers blog providers that work automatically and easy to operate, so for those of us who are still confused with the programming language to create a website is not a problem. If you are able to create an email account on the internet, then in any blog I am sure you can.

2. How to create a blog

Just as e-mail, in a blog too we must have an account first, so please register yourself first at the free blog providers (hosting provider / domain blog for free). Free blog providers are very much on the Internet and some popular right now is, and

In this opportunity I will review about how the blog at, Please click the image below to register.

create blog now

Once you are on the site, you will see an image like the picture above. Please do the following steps:

1. Click the arrow that says "CREATE YOUR BLOG"

2. Fill in the email address with your email address (must be valid)

3. Fill in your return email address was in the form Retype email address

4. Write down the password you want to form Enter a password

5. Fill in your password again in the form Keyik was reset your password (password)

6. Fill Display Name with the name you want to show

7. Write an article which is listed on the Word Verification form. Put a tick / check the box on the edge of writing and I accept the Terms of Service.

8. Click image arrows labeled "CONTINUE"

9. Write a blog title that you want (will be on fox again) in the form Title Blog

10. Write the name of your site in the form Blog Address (URL)

11. Write the verification text that is displayed on the verification form, if it is finished click the arrow that says 'CONTINUE'.

12. Choose an image (template) that you want (will be on fox again), then click the arrow that says "CONTINUE"

13. After leaving the words "Your blog has been in iptakan". Click the arrow labeled "START POSTING". Please write down all you want, when you finish, click the "MEMPUBLISKAN POST".

3. Contents (Content) blog:

For starters, they are usually confused after making a list of what to blog on the contents (posted) in a blog. Contents (content) from a blog, of course, is up kepadasi owner's own blog, if not the content of poetry, the journey of life, engineering, or whatever. Well here I am suggesting, fill your blog with interest or hobby and your own expertise, since of course out there a lot of the same peoplewho would interest her, and your hobby, so they will be interested to read your writings.

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