| | Dear Subscribers:
| Need a respite from thinking about Thanksgiving plans? Here's the latest issue of Healthy Newspaper to help fill the gap; we hope all of you will enjoy reading it.
We also wish all of our subscribers a happy Thanksgiving. And if you're traveling, have a safe trip; we'll see you after the holiday weekend is over.
| Introducing the "New Fashioned" Pumpkin Pie
| Fit & Healthy | Friday, 19 November 2010 18:15
Port land, Oregon, November 2010 - Steviva Brands, Inc. is revamping that old holiday classic: the pumpkin pie. But instead of loading it with sugar or synthetic sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose, Steviva Brands is reviving the pie with an all-natural Stevia sweetener and a hint of vegan sensibility. www.steviva.com
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Knowing Where the Soy you Consume Comes From
| Business | Friday, 19 November 2010 18:08 | | | | Broomfield, Colorado, November 2010 - Recent rese arch shows that 75 percent of U.S. consumers like seeing where their food comes from.
To answer this call, Silk soymilk has introduced a new website, www.silksoymilk.com/traceit/ that allows consumers to easily track the soybeans in a carton of milk back to the location of the farm where the soybeans in that product were grown. www.silksoymilk.com
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Seeking Supplement Safety
| Bio-Based | Friday, 19 November 2010 18:01 | | | | | Bedford, New Hampshire, November 2010 - Not all supplements are created equally, but Emerson Ecologics, the largest provider of dietary supplements and services to healthcare professionals, has been taking aggressive steps to make it more clear to healthcare professionals and their patients which manufacturers to trust when it comes to a supplement's purity, identity and potency. In May, the company launched a first-of-its-kind quality assurance program called the Emerson Quality Program, or EQP. https://www.emersonecologics.com/Quality/QualitySummaries.aspx
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A Bit of Exercise a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
| Research | Friday, 19 November 2010 17:52 | | | | Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2010 - Upper Res piratory Tract Infections (URTI) can be caused by more than 200 different viruses, and it's estimated that the U.S. population suffers more than one billion colds a year (2-4 per average adult, 6-10 per average child). A number of lifestyle factors contribute to URTI risk, including poor nutrient status, lack of sleep, and stress. A new paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine adds exercise habits to the list of lifestyle factors affecting URTI risk. www.usana.com
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Coalition Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research
| Bio-Based | Friday, 19 November 2010 17:44 | | | | | | Wash ington, D.C., November 2010 - The Genetics Policy Institute (GPI) recently announced the launch of a new advocacy coalition of 30 organizations to foster public awareness and advance the cause of embryonic stem cell research in the United States. www.stemcellaction.org
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