b8ikm4rfv.unexpeted.kcjournal@blogger.com ,What you should k'now -about asthma sym*ptoms to k'eep- living nor.mal life and sta_y safe! Abs'olut,ely new ed-ge of breatht'aking sex is .ope_n for you wi_th the help. of our- brand new drug!- Stop wait.ing for bact_eria to ca-tch 'you by surprise'! Try -our super _effective an-tibio*tic and relax! Com*mon as.thma sympto.ms in+clude coughing, es_pecially a't n'ight, whee'zing and pressu.re. -This month we pro*vid*e all our new cus_tomers with, amaz-ing oppo_rtunity to bo+ost t-he desire! Many p_ainkil_lers can 'cause addict.ion, so it's *import-ant to f*ollow the in_structions care.fully. Abo'ut three* out_ of four chil-dren with a*sthma in the US*A continu+e to have +symptoms. as adults-. Many of pai.nkilling. drugs can .cause m+ild side effe+cts, such .as* constipation and d+ry mou.th. If you *take medicine* late you. may be+ in pain -while the, painkiller is a,bsorbe,d and sta.rts to work. Yo.u-r daily calorie i*ntake can be* the key p'oint _in your struggl-e with se*vere ob*esity. Try it +out now! ,How does* bronc*hial asthma dif+fer from. regul*ar asthma?* Everything scien_tists have. to, say! About 95 per' cent of 'chi'ldren with persist'ent _asthma still .have sym'ptoms into the.ir adu*lthood. Men o*ften+ tend to have an .earli-er onset' of schizo.phrenia and- potency probl+ems than w-omen. Each, yea,r people spen'd huge money_ on di*et consultants, b*ooks_ and pills, but o*nly f-ew lose w_eight. -One bacterium* with a m'utation can s_urvive th.e antibiotic' and re*produces m+illions_ more. Self-mana,ging as*thma day to d+ay is im.portant t.o breathe wel_l, st,ay active,. and live norma+l life. If' you +treat obesity, th+e succes's depe+nds on your- mood, your .health,+ & your des_ire to g_et slimmer! When t+here is ,too m+uch choleste.rol in your b.loo'd, it builds _up in the' walls of your a'rteries. A*nti-biotic asso_ciated diarrhea +can oc'cur within t.wo days of c-omp.leting a .course of treatme-nt. It*'s time to r-efill your* home medi'cine chest wit_h super-po'werful im*po+tence treatmen,t! If you're a ,bit p,lump or_ are not fond of s_ports no *need t,o worry, es.pecially to _overeat t,he emoti'ons. Asthma -tends to, get worse at n-i.ght. Nocturnal a.sthma attac,ks 'occur while +a person i_s sleeping. _Your risk o.f high ch+olesterol inc+reases- if a mother -or sister wa.s affe*cted by hear+t disease.* Remember, re'ducing th.e amoun,t of fat' in your diet *helps lower. you_r blood chol_esterol+ level. Scot_tish sc*ientist, A.lexander Flem+ing, discover,ed the first. antibiotic*, penicill+in, in* 1928. Ca.rdiovascular di,sease c.an foll-ow severe o.besity! It's n.ot the ma,tter of beau_ty*, but healt,h as well! Antibi'otics ca*n kill +most o-f the bacteri_a in your 'body that are s*ensitive+ to -them. Good and bad 'Erection,s o+ccur during normal_, nightly s_le,eping. Th_ese erectio'ns are no_t related to erotic. d-reams. Never ta,ke +antibiotics prescr+ibed, for anot'her person or sha-re+ your leftover drug*s with* anyone. 'Men at some *point in .their +lives hav.e difficul_ty getting or keepi*ng ere+ctions. It's. ver*y normal. S-kin allergi'es alone account* for more +than ,7 millio-n outpatient v_isits each+ year -the United States,. There *are se*veral factors, that contr-ibute to hi.gh chol.esterol -- onl_y some a.re co,ntrollable., Frequent stres,s -and tension is n'ot good f,or people who* suffer *from -severe asthma a-ttacks'. You don't have' to s+pend all your mo,ney on ere_ctil*e dysfunc-tion treatment. _It's sale, time! Say H'I to l-ong night, full of. sex and passio.n! This_ medication +will change- every*thing! Abou*t 66 perce'nt of U.S. ad_ults w'ere estima-ted to be ove'rweight or- obese by ,the 2003-200.4. 'Read more_ and protect_ your lun'gs from fur+ther irritation -and in-flammation_ caused b,y smoke. S'edentary p,eople burn few-er calories- th'an people who sta.y a_ctive all their l.ife. It's +about +obesit+y! I'm really afra'id of hav*ing an. allergy'. My sister has & ,i-t's awful. S_o I have a dail*y to+do list. Scre*ening is- advised for kid.s with *a fam.ily history of high- choles_terol level _or, blood fats._ Skin alle,rgies al,one account for mor'e t+han 7 millio+n outpatie.nt vis'its each y+ear the United 'States. Obes-ity ,& overweight oft.en *are traced to *genes, a_nd the brain can. induce app'etite tend_encies. It. is .a common myth th'at .a child will out,grow his _asthma. *Never st'op your c.ourse of m*edicine!_ I do not care ab-out, my blood cholest-erol 'as I know perfec*tly wel+l how *to control it e_asily! Th_e more you 'know about yo,ur medica.tion before, taking_ it the be+tter ,for you! +Believe me! Sh*ould you ex,perience any. unexpected .reaction. to an_ antibiot_ic, immediately* ca.ll your do.ctor! After I *started taking 'these tin,e pill+s on the ,regular bas*is I have sex w'hen_ and how I, want! Althou'gh yo'u may want to h'elp y.our child -get well, antibiot_ics* do no goo'd for viral* infections. Eve-ry man want,s. to have ultimate' sexu_al power as lo_ng as poss.ible. But l'ife i.s tricky! As *your blo*od choleste+rol ris_es, so does your' risk- of coronary hea-rt di*sease. 'So think twice.! Obesity inc-rease,s your risk of *devel.oping gallbl+adder disease+, type 2 d+iabetes &+ heart -disease. You' can nev_er imagine any +adul_t who has_ not yet been pres*cr*ibed a course of a-ntibioti-cs. Looking_ for ast'hma h.elp? Living wi*th it isn't e*asy,. there ar,e ways to decrease+ yo'ur stress._ Sometime.s it is very h.ard to te_ll when an_ illness is- caused by a .viral* or bacterial in_fe'ction. If you hav_e *any kind of er_ectile dysfun-ctio-n, we've f_ound a prod_uct that 'will have- you in no .time. Don't let. erecti-le dysf+unction destroy y-our sex-lif_e! C+heck out* the treatmen,t option-s we offer. Altho.ugh +you may want ,to help your ,child +get well, _antibiot-ics do no good fo.r vira*l infecti-ons. K*eeping exces_s weight o-ff is essential f.or good 'heal*th and has noth,ing to+ do with cr'ash diets_, dude. Erecti*le dysfun.ction is -defined as* repeated inabi,lity to su'stain a'n erectio_n for sexual *interco.urse. I'm -really a'fraid of ha'ving an, allergy. My sis*ter ha's & it''s awful. So I *have a d+aily todo li,st. It+ is a common myt_h that, a child will ou.tgrow his* asthm_a. Never stop +your cour+se of med+icine! Differe.nt types o.f_ bacteria surro+und us e*verywhere a_ll the time. I,t is hard t*o- avoid infect_ions. Th,e lesser 'known effe+cts of obesity ma-y also i,nclude asthma+ and pregna-ncy comp'lications.- The wo-rst thing one _ca'n do is to take o.nly- a few of t.he antibioti-c prescribe.d. Don't a*ct stupid+! I know wha.t you need- to sto.p impotence pla,ying dirty. tricks on .your' sexual l_ife, dude! S+omeone who is* ove-r 20% of .the "average" h'eaviness, for their_ size, is judg*ed 'as being obe,se. Fighting 'obesity +is naturally e-xhausting! Y*ou'd +better ea*t a hearty su-pper *before you go on- dieting! I.f yo'u take -antibiotics w.hen you .don't need them, t_he.y may lose, their abilit_y to kill bact-eria,. In this ,letter you_ will fi.nd health agen,cy's monitor-ing of obesi-ty an-d related _diseases data. 'Vasc,ular dise,ase, diabetes, .hypert'ension o*ften cause erec*tile dysfunc+tion .& disorde'rs in men. Ast+hma together_ with all*ergy .is one of' the most c,ommon health pro'blem's in the Un-ited States. O_besity oft+en force_s people to, commit craz_y dee_ds, even suic,ides! Those p_eople_ really ne,ed help. -Weight-loss surge_ry* offers quick. solut-ion for your probl_ems but -it's the m'ost dan.gerous as +well. Ant*ibiotics a're some of the ,most popu*lar and wi_dely used 'medi.cations all ov-er the world!. Every woma_n 'dreams of a pa*ssionate a,nd tende'r man, an*d there's nothin,g ab+out impotence. .The high,er your blo.od cholesterol. lev+el, the gr'eater y-our risk for develo+ping hea+rt dise+ase!!! There is+ *a delicate balance. of billi+ons of bac.ter_ia inside our +digestive trac-t. Ge.t prepar*ed! Antibiotics wi'll no,t cure viral- illn'esses, such _as: cold, s-tomach f-lu and some- ear infectio_ns! Yo.ur penis' deserves a better' lif.e! Make a g'reat gift for it_ -– buy our premi-um medicine! N-on+-breast children r+un a hig+her risk of +autoimmune* disor'ders and are. more *prone to asthma*. As-thma can't b-e cured.. Even whe*n you feel f*ine, you sti-ll have the di.sease a.nd it can f_lare up.. I know, what you need to- st_op impot'ence playi'ng dirty tric+ks on your sexua+l, life, dud-e! Our culture fost'e.rs the ten*dency towar,d obesity: th'e foods t_hat cost +less often are t+he hea+viest. Y.ou may not have_ all 'of asthma* symptoms,, or you may hav+e sympt'oms at d_ifferent t+imes. Airing_ out ru.gs and other ho_usehold item-s dries, and heats +them – exte,rminating a+llerg*ic mites. In t-he curre+nt situation o'f +global econ'omic slowdown m-any men suf+fer from i.mpoten'ce. Not all al_ler_gy treatmen+t options are trus*ted+ and pop-ular! And sure _not al,l of them. are effective. So-me people .st'ay on the same' dose of paink*il+lers for m_any months and -the dr+ug is still effect.ive. Man,y people bel*ieve that. they* should only' get _help when .the pain is* becoming unb+earabl,e. How often do* you noti.ce problem_s with p*otency? Do the f-ailure's happen m'ore oft*en? What is typ+ically us-ed when* dietary ch,anges d'oesn't help is -medications a.nd weight'-loss su-rgery. Heal+thy weigh.t is u_sually achieve'd by co'mbining dietary *change's and _activity or tak-ing medic,ine! Sin+ce painkillers h'ave been *discove.red peo'ple all over t_he wor-ld take them ev_ery day'. If you are o+verwe_ight, lose w,eight. Even- a sma,ll weight los,s helps lower y*ou*r bad chol_esterol More than +17 millio_n people' in the+ USA have ast-hma. ,Of these, almo'st 5 million a,re, children. The m*ajority _of well*-known a,nd popular over-th,e-counter- an+d prescriptio-n allergy -medication! -Your sympto.ms may* also vary from o,ne asthma- attack to 'the ,next. B'e ready to st*ruggle! Many -times, patien'ts will* stop _the use of an' antibiotic' when t*hey feel better., It's wro'ng! Ove-r the pas+t 20 ye.ars, the numb-er of overwei.ght childr-en has 'increase.d by more than +50 %. Bes_t over-t,he-counter med_icatio'ns for your _and your fami*ly' health! _Hurry up to buy *it now! P+ainkiller *addiction is' spr+eading lik*e a plague and* killing p+eople' all over the worl-d. People n+owada_ys have a *tendency to .get addicte-d to pai-nkillers r*ather than, other deadly +drugs. You' ,are a lucky man & +we h-ave chosen you to_ try our. most ef'fectiv*e potency- booster! Narcot-ic pa.in relievers c,an often be v-ery irritat'ing to_ the st.omach. Ch*oose the best for' yourself! -Your peni's let yo'u dow-n for the f-irst time?. Don't pan-ic! The an'swer to all que,stions is _here! D'o you have any -pr-oblems with se+x? The-y all can be sol.ved forever' wi,th one si'ngle pill of… Cold-s, influenz_a and _coughs are c,aus,ed by viruses *not bact'eria, so -antibiotics wi.ll not* help. Na_rcotic pain reli'evers re'duce the+ motility of sto+mach conte-nts th*rough the dige_stive tract+. Narcotic_ pain_ relievers ca-n often b.e very irrit.ating to t'he st'omach. Choose 'the best fo-r yourself!* Most of+ asthma-caus_ing su.bstances ente-r with t+he air p'eople breathe,_ but ,some are swallo+wed. O*besity is *fast becomin+g the develo*ped worl'ds biggest h'ealth prob+lem. P,rotect- yourself from it!, You may _be given 'other. medicines| suc*h as anti*-epilept+ic drug's to take with+ your pai_nkillers. Ant*ibiotics w*ill not -cure viral+ illnesses, s-uch- as: sore .throats not cau'sed by, strep, runny_ noses. O,nce you* start to d'elve into a few ob-esity fact-s, 'you may be surpr*is'ed to learn t'he whole, truth. Many *times, pati,ents will sto*p the u+se of an a,ntibiotic' when th+ey feel b'etter. It''s wrong! Men +at some poi-nt in the'ir lives ha+ve diffic.ulty getti-ng or kee*ping erections'. I.t's very n+ormal. Obesity & .overw_eight often are_ traced +to gen-es, and th.e brain c.an induce appetit_e tendenc'ies.+ Antibioti.cs have become' part o+f modern +life but few of +us a*ctually know *what it+ exactly enta_il. Scottis'h scientist, Al,exand'er Flem,ing, discov+ered the ,first antibio.tic, penic.illin, i+n 1928. A-ntihistamines do n_ot c.ure allergy bu,t they giv_e a ch.ance for, normal li-fe. Choose the be-st! Doc.tors say men* get, much les+s active enco+uragemen't to use he*alth care s,ervices than wom'en. 2+0 million chil+dren* under the .age of 5 ye'ars have b*een recor,ded overwei*ght globally i,n 2005. ,Did y*ou think th'at your a+llergy is the_ most unple'asant? I'+m sure' there more ho.rrible reaction-s. P-eople w.ho cherish the+ir sexual- life start' impotence tre*atm'ent befor,e problems o,ccur! What doe-s ast,hma feel like? 'Can sex trig,ger asth-ma? Lear'n the answe-rs to t_hese que,stions! Asthma is -a disease *which affec*ts the bro_nchi, or -airw-ays, carryin_g air in- and out 'of the lungs.. All natural- uniqu,e ingredients f*rom 'all parts of the _world are ,at y_our servic'e to impr,ove sex! Obesity 'is a c.onditi-on of excess body, fat, which* puts a p,erson_ at incre_ased risk for _diseases. Obe*sity -puts a pe'rson at inc+reased risk f.or dev'eloping heart d,isease, as'thma +& Type II diabete_s.' Antibiot-ics will not c.ure viral il-lnesses, s,uch as: sore. thro,ats not -caused by strep, _runny nose-s. If y+ou keep -on thinking +about impote.nce it wil_l never' leave you. Thi-nk a,bout great sex!* A .weight-loss +program us+ually c'ombines lot+s of exercises+, medication,s and s_trict di_eting! H*ow long hav+e you been _living w+ith erectile ,dysfuncti+on in your mind-? Time* to forget*! If you, live in a' big city and h,ave little ch+ild'ren you are at r+isk of get,ting ill -wit.h some all+ergy. Antibioti'cs play* an impo+rtant role i,n modern. medicine fighti_ng infe-ctions cau_sed by ba_cteria. You may' be able to 'lo-se weight and _improve your _health _by addressing' the causes+ of ob*esity. *We want you .to take contro'l of. your asthm_a sympt_oms and liv*e an active lif*e. Help us- now!- Learning to t,ake r*elaxing deep breat_hs when you, feel str+es,sed can halt yo-ur asthma a,ttack.. To distinguish b+et,ween a food al+lergy -& other react,ions to food a ,pers+on needs med-ical adv,ice. Pain 'relief medica.tions *as any othe,r drug ,are aimed at impr_ovi,ng your life an_d conditi+on. Could the+ next cra_ze be,+ quite litera_lly, nuts? A- st*udy concluded t+hat nuts low*er cho,lesterol.. Neglect,ing medical advice- you* can also* turn a mino-r health pr,oblem int*o a seri.ous conc+ern. Statist'ically, 'men of lower soci,o-ec+onomic status *tend to _have seri.ous problems wit*h e,rection. H.eart diseas+e is the numbe_r 1 kill'er of women' and men in th.e Uni.ted State_s. Did you. know? *You may be' able to lose wei+ght a*nd improve 'your healt,h by addre-ssing the* causes of o-besity'. Early asthma 'warning si,gns i-nclude frequen_t cough+, especia-lly at night and fe-eling t'ired. Bron-chial tubes ,that are c-hroni.cally i,nflamed beco+me overly *sensitive to a-llergens or i-rrita_nts. When your *body g*ets too many c,alories- it accumul'ates _the fat & yo*u get obese. H'orrible, .isn',t it? Mor,e women over 45 h_ave high_ cholester*ol than men. -It is a go-od reas,on to take ca*re now! _In every f*amily t*here has been a' per*son that suffer'ed from all.er,gy once in+ his lifetim.e, true! A's women and m'en get older, -their ch*olest*erol lev-els rise. Eat reas_onably to -stay health,y! ralivi*a Blood P+ressure'/Heart Xalatan, (Latanopros,t) ischemi-c h,eart dis_ease hypoten +Acai (Weigh.t Loss, di,et, diet pil,ls) Periacti'n — Allergy,, -Hay Fever, All+ergic Rhini-tis, _Vasomotor .Rhinitis, All.ergic Conju.nctivit*is, Urticaria, +Angioedem,a, Dermat.ographism Al-lopu*rinol (Zylo*prim, Allohe-xal, Allos'ig, Pro-gout, Zyloric, Pu'ricos). malegra _fxt (silden.afil + f,luoxetine) Quin-ine (,Quinarsa-l, Qualaquin,- Apo-Quinin*e, Novo-Q'uinine, Qu*inine-Oda*n, Aethylcarbo-nis Chinin+, Circ+onyl, G,enin, Kinin, Q_200, Q300, Q-uina'te, Quinbisu, Q'uinimax, Quini'nga, Q-uinsul) Ascar,ids Ear *Infection+ pravator per+iostat +COPD Pneu+monia zo'vir Dia,rex — Diarr-hea, Abdomin_al Pain, +Dysentery, Ayu-rveda a_ngina Vaso+dilan Ke-ppra (Leve+tiracetam) m-anic ep*isodes flomax Ayur- S+lim Weight 'Regulator- (Weight Los_s, diet, diet pi.lls) pyr+idium Ech+inococ_cosis persantine A*llegra [,allegr-a] (Fexofen*adin, Telfast, -Fas*tofen) Ulcers. invega Avap+ro — *High Blo.od Pressure, +Hypertension,, Diab'etes, Diabetic Ne,phro.pathy Ce*phalexin — Infecti-on.s, Antibiotic *Yaz (C*risanta LS) (drosp_ire+none, ethinyl, estradiol) -olux Eye A'llergy R,eosto [reosto+] (os_teoporosis)' Crestor — ,Chole.sterol, Atheroscle.rosis, _Hypertri'glyceridem.ia, Triglycer-ides., High Cho,lesterol, LD_L, HDL Purpura Di,arex — D-iarrhea_, Abdo'minal Pain, Dysen_tery, Ayu_rved-a Vrikshamla Cefad_roxil — Inf+ections, A.ntib+iotic, Strep Th+roat Li+docaine ('lignocaine, .lidoderm., lidocaine ge.l, topica.l lidocain*e, S-olarcaine, lidoc-ain, li+docain'e cream, An*estacon, Burnam-ycin, Burn-O-.Jel, L+ida Mantle, 'Lidode'rm, LMX 4, LMX- 5, Sena'tec, *Topicaine,' Xylocaine) Gl.ucosamine & Ch,on-droitin — Arthr.itis, Healthy ,Cartilage ,Megat*hin — Wei,ght Loss, Obesit_y n'ephropathy levoth'r'oid Zaditor_ [zaditor] (ketot-ifen fumara+t_e) bedwetting bu-rnamyc*in lean 'tea Smokin_g Everywhere E*lectronic Cig-arette (mk-smoke+s) Luvox (Flu*voxamine, Dum+irox, D+umyrox,+ Faverin, Favo-xil, F+evarin, Floxyfr*al, Fluvohe_xal, Fluvox-in, _Movox, Vox.am, Voxamin, V,umini*x) Avalide (i-rbesartan, ,hydr-ochlorothiazide) C.ycl,osporine _Eye Drops (restasi+s) Antichol*inergic St,o+mach Pain Re,ctal Blee+ding restri_ctive lung diseas_e Urin,ary Inco.ntinence abi+xa gastric ref_lux ocd C,yklokapron ,— He*mophilia, ,Hemorrhage, _Bleeding Aleve. (Nap*roxen, Xenobid,* Ana_prox, Mirana,x, Naprog+esic, -Naprosyn, Nap.relan, Pr*oxen, Synf-lex, pain) _ regonol, Menstrual Irregul'arities P.roscar [pro.sc*ar] (Fina'steride, Propecia') Chron+ic Stabl-e Angina Ursodi-ol Sumen,ta Diet M-axx — O*besity, Weight L-oss Vibramy-cin (Doxy*cycline+, Monodox_, Microdox, Per+io,stat, Vibra-Tabs., Oracea,- Doryx, V,ibrox, Ado*xa, Doxyhexal,+ Doxylin, _Dox-y) eye swelli+ng digoxin Fr,equency ent+o,cort Abana H,eartCare lean' tea Panic Di+sord-er Impetigo_ atherosclero,sis -adhesive capsul-itis libido_ enhanceme.nt divalp+roex sodium -Vib,ramycin (Dox,ycycline+, Monodox, Microdo-x, Peri_ostat, Vibra-,Tabs, Ora+cea, Doryx, *Vi,brox, Adox.a, Doxyhexal, Do-xyli'n, Doxy) ,flavedon mr Vanti*n (-Cefpodoxime) O'pioid Depend'ence eryt.hroped P_unarnava* [punarnava] hyd_iphen f_inara sleep*inal Aca-i (Wei-ght Loss, diet, *diet pills) p+roges_terone ur,ethrotrigonitis *empyema +Cyto*megalovirus D+isease Benica*r (Olmesarta+n Med*oxomil, Olm_etec) is-onex mebezol v'oltarol r.etard Pl*an B (Levonorge.strel, L.evon+elle, NorLev.o, Postinor, -birth co_ntrol, levlen*) Lami+sil Cream +— Athlet_e's Foot, Jock .Itch, Ringw.orm, Ve.rsicolor, Ti_nea Cruris,_ Ti,nea Corporis, Ti-nea Ped,is, Funga'l Infections*, Fungus s+anoma, Blood Pressure/Hea*rt, advair disku*s 1 100% Pu*re Okin.awan Coral -Calcium row*asa Alt_ace (Rampiril,. Trita+ce, Ramace,, Lopace, *ramipril-) ramipri.l Tylenol (Parac*etamol,* Acetaminophen, *pain,' anacin)+ Tavist '(clemastine, m-eclas_tin, tavegil, tave-gy'l) Cholester_ol Zero Ni_cotine — Smoking+, Smoking C-essation. clemas'tine Kamagra E,fferve.scent — Er.ectile D.ysfunction_, Male En-hancement, Erect*ion, ED+, Impotence 'benicar L'iv.52' Capsules pe*nbritin *roxin colo_n clean supr'eme Laxa, Tea [lax'atea] Viagra ,(Sildenafi,l citrat.e, Viagra', Generic *Viagra, Kamagr'a, reva-tio , phrodil+, Edegra', Erasmo, Penegr'a, Sup'ra, Zwagr.a) sciatica f+ortecorti-n Immunit.y cardap,tan cyston.e anten s-kin Lovastatin _(Dilucid,, Liperol, Lova-s*tin, Medisorbin, Me,dostat*in, Mevacor, +Mevinac*or, Rov*acor, Altoprev) .Melatonin* [melat.onin] Chyavana+pras,ha lipvas Gas-troi-ntestinal Stromal T+um.ors eryped Tr,iamcinolone -(Ken_alog, Aristoco.rt, Nasa-cort, Tri-Nasal,' Trider-m, Azmacort,* Trilone,* Volon A, Tri*stojec,t, Fougera*, Tricorto_ne,Triesenc_e) moduret*ic Lior_esal [lior_esal] (Bac'lofen,. Kemstro, Baclosp,as, pain, mu_sc.le relaxer_, muscle rel,axant) Vastarel *[vastare-l] (pre'ductal mr, -vastarel mr., vast'arel lm, v.astarel lp, pre*ductal, ,flavedon, f'lavedon_ mr, cardap_tan, idaptan, *carvidon,. tri*zedon, trimeta,zidine_) etodolac maquin'e anticonv_ulsant Acto,s (P'ioglitazone, Gl*ustin) at*enolol +axagon .Lasuna ir+besartan dibelet
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