Saturday, October 30, 2010

News from Healthy Newspaper

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October 29, 2010
In This Issue
Healthy Halloween
Warm Up Right With GetGlovd
It's a Bird, It's a Plane - It's Superfoods!
The Value of Water
Caregiver Boomers
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Pleasant Valley Dental

Get Glovd




Dear Subscribers:

On this last working day of October, it is our pleasure to bring you the latest issue of Healthy Newspaper. Enjoy it along with the last rays of what's left of summer.

And again, thank you for being a subscriber; we appreciate your support. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know. 

Healthy Halloween
Fit & Healthy
Friday, 29 October 2010 17:32
Oakland, California, October, 2010 - Countering the substantial drawbacks of heavy candy intake on Halloween, Pleasant Dental Care has launched its second annual Cash for Candy program to financially support Children's Hospital Oakland and reward kids who value their oral and total health. On the week of November 1st, all children who trade in candy will receive no less than $5.00 each, and $5.00 per pound for larger amounts. Dr. Sepand Hokmabadi, D.D.S., the directing dentist of Pleasant Dental Care, will double the total reward amount and donate it to Children's Hospital of Oakland. The candy will be discarded.
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Warm Up Right With GetGlovd
Friday, 29 October 2010 17:26
New York, New York, October 2010 - We heard recently from a group with an interesting new product, and we thought you should know about it. Introducing GetGlovd, a line of fashionable, naturally anti-bacterial, 100% mechanically processed bamboo (not rayon viscose) gloves.


It's a Bird, It's a Plane - It's Superfoods!

Fit & Healthy
Friday, 29 October 2010 17:13
Everywhere, October 2010 - The popular book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth by Jonny Bowden is a good resource, because it highlights the health benefits of many everyday foods. Finding these good foods doesn't send you off in search of unusual and hard to find stuff - it lists basic, readily available items. Eating healthy is a challenge for busy people, so here's a list of 12 "superfoods" to keep in mind when preparing meals and snacks.


The Value of Water
Friday, 29 October 2010 17:00
White Plains, New York - The ITT Corporation recently announced the results of its Value of Water Survey, a nationwide poll that included registered voters and industrial and agricultural businesses, measuring how the public values water and their level of awareness of the nation's aging water infrastructure. The results show that a majority of the American public desires reform and is willing to pay more now to ensure that they have access to clean water in the generations to come.
Caregiver Boomers
Friday, 29 October 2010 16:52
Louisville, Kentucky, October 2010 - Almost half of all baby boomers say that tending to their own health and
well-being is second to caring for the health needs of loved ones, a new survey commissioned byHumana has revealed.
Contact Information:
Szasz Benedict

Norm Benedict
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