Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cara flashing/upgrade firmware HP nokia Dgn Phoenix!!

disini sayaa akan sdikit jelasn tentangg upgrade firmware dan cara hidupn nokia yg matot krn eror firmware/software..

siapkan dulu phoenix soft nya..
bisaa d dunlud disinii...
Originally Posted by aJi_doraemon14 View Post
Bantuin mirror buat yang kesusahan IX

uploaded by me
mirror from
Thx gan...

lalu kalian download FirmWare utk ponsel di sini
pilih sesuai dgn handphone dan dunlud FW yg paling terbaru!!

utk penginstalan kalian bersihkan dulu semua sofware yg berbau nokia. seperti nokia pc suite dan sbangsanya..

kalo bisa make PC yang masih bersih belum pernah di install nokia pc suite, utk meminimalisir eror saat flashing

kemudian lakukan penginstalan phoenix
dan instal FW yg sudah d dunlud!!!

1. siapkan file back up / file original sebelum melakukan modding
2. perhatikan langkah-langkah dan tutorial dengan baik dan teliti
3. segala resiko atau kerusakan yang mungkin timbul akibat flashing merupakan tanggung jawab pribadi

USB Mode : PC suite
jangan lupa cabut SIM card - dan External memory
utk normal flashing..
Spoiler for klik klik!!:

1. buka phoenix, klik "manage connections"

aku make usb. ex. DKE-2 cable.

Spoiler for klik klik!! for sample flash log:
Sample Flash log

Flashing started
Creating product data items list
Product data items list created
Backup not required
Flashing phone
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Getting product info...
Loading image files...
AdlServer: Rebooting...
Closing connection
Waiting for USB device. Press phone's power button (if you start from dead terminal)
ROM Boot Drivers loaded. Creating RAW connection
Connecting to device...
Connection opened
Connection opened to BootCode successfully
First wait command failed. Preparing for bootrom waiting loop ...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Sending Wait Request...
Flashing Secondary boot code: 14848 Bytes
Sending USB data: 28%
Sending USB data: 55%
Sending USB data: 83%
Sending USB data: 100%
Secondary boot loaded
Skipping USB handshake...
Flashing Update Server Data: 2051785 Bytes
Flashing UPS data: 0%
Flashing UPS data: 26%
Flashing UPS data: 51%
Flashing UPS data: 77%
Flashing UPS data: 83%
Flashing UPS data: 87%
Flashing UPS data: 90%
Flashing UPS data: 93%
Flashing UPS data: 97%
Flashing UPS data: 100%
Flashing UPS data: 100%
Update server loaded
Waiting for Update Server to boot...
Closing connection
Connecting to device...
Connection opened
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Initializing Update Server....
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Loading image files...
Loading image files...
Asic CMT: Selecting programming blocks...
Warning: PAPUBKEY already selected
Flashing SingleAsic device...
Asic CMT: Start programming 66447 KB...
Asic CMT: Erasing rm230_04.21_prd_core.fpsx
Asic CMT: Erasing area 1...
Asic CMT: Erasing area 2...
Asic CMT: Erasing area 3...
Asic CMT: Partitioning rm230_04.21_prd_core.fpsx
Asic CMT: Partitioning area 1...
Asic CMT: Erasing rm230_04.21_prd_v15_01_apac2.fpsx
Asic CMT: Erasing area 1...
Asic CMT: Erasing rm230_04.21_prd_uda_erase.fpsx
Asic CMT: Erasing area 1...
Asic CMT: Erasing rm230_04.21_prd_uda_erase.fpsx
Asic CMT: Erasing area 1...
Asic CMT: Erasing rm230_04.21_prd_uda_erase.fpsx
Asic CMT: Erasing area 1...
Asic CMT: Programming rm230_04.21_prd_core.fpsx
Asic CMT: Programming 0%
Asic CMT: Programming 2%
Asic CMT: Programming 4%
Asic CMT: Programming 6%
Asic CMT: Programming 8%
Asic CMT: Programming 10%
Asic CMT: Programming 12%
Asic CMT: Programming 14%
Asic CMT: Programming 16%
Asic CMT: Programming 18%
Asic CMT: Programming 20%
Asic CMT: Programming 22%
Asic CMT: Programming 24%
Asic CMT: Programming 26%
Asic CMT: Programming 28%
Asic CMT: Programming 30%
Asic CMT: Programming 32%
Asic CMT: Programming 34%
Asic CMT: Programming 36%
Asic CMT: Programming 38%
Asic CMT: Programming 40%
Asic CMT: Programming 42%
Asic CMT: Programming 44%
Asic CMT: Programming 46%
Asic CMT: Programming 48%
Asic CMT: Programming 50%
Asic CMT: Programming 52%
Asic CMT: Programming 54%
Asic CMT: Programming 56%
Asic CMT: Programming 58%
Asic CMT: Programming 60%
Asic CMT: Programming 62%
Asic CMT: Programming 64%
Asic CMT: Programming rm230_04.21_prd_v15_01_apac2.fpsx
Asic CMT: Programming 66%
Asic CMT: Programming 68%
Asic CMT: Programming 70%
Asic CMT: Programming 72%
Asic CMT: Programming 74%
Asic CMT: Programming 76%
Asic CMT: Programming 78%
Asic CMT: Programming 80%
Asic CMT: Programming 82%
Asic CMT: Programming 84%
Asic CMT: Programming 86%
Asic CMT: Programming 88%
Asic CMT: Programming 90%
Asic CMT: Programming 92%
Asic CMT: Programming 94%
Asic CMT: Programming 96%
Asic CMT: Programming 98%
Asic CMT: Programming 100%
Asic CMT: Programming rm230_04.21_prd_uda_erase.fpsx
Asic CMT: Programming rm230_04.21_prd_uda_erase.fpsx
Asic CMT: Programming rm230_04.21_prd_uda_erase.fpsx
Finished Flashing
Rebooting to RFS Mode
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Waiting for communication response: 25
BB5 USB Flashing succeeded
Phone flashing completed. Waiting for phone to boot up
Bootup successful
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Communication verified
Started product mode change
Product mode change complete
Doing factorysets
Factorysets complete
Loading default data to phone
Loading default data to phone
Getting Data Package
Reading product state
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: data item pre-delay
data item pre-delay
data item pre-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., result code: 0
Starting to backup/restore data item: ProductProfile, version: 1.0
Data Item backup/restore completed: Succeeded., result code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: data item post-delay
data item post-delay
data item post-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., result code: 0
Backup/restore result: 0 out of 1 items were not backed up
Default data loading complete
Stopping all operations, returning phone to default mode
All operations completed
Product flashing succeeded.

( Biasanya mati krn trjadi ksalahan saat flashing mnggunakan NSU)

Spoiler for klik klik!!:

1. connet (switch off) via cable
2. buka phoenix, klik "manage connections"

3. Lalu pilih open product.

Sorry aku ga pny sample log saat flashing hp mati.

Oia, Saat flashing hp mati berlangsung, ada saat anda harus switch on hp anda secara continue!!!


canon error code and how to fix it

Carriage error or Error Code 5100

Condition: An error occurred in the carriage encoder signal.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Smearing or scratches on the carriage slit film

    - clean the timing slit film.
  • Foreign material or paper debris that obstructs the carriage movement;

    - remove foreign material.
  • Ink tank conditions;

    - re-seat the ink tanks.
  • If other solution fail, replace one off the following

    - Timing slit disk film

    - Carriage unit

    - Logic board

    - Carriage motor

Line Feed error or Error Code 6000

Condition: An error occurred in the LF encoder signal.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Smearing or scratches on the LF / EJ slit film

    - clean the LF / EJ slit film.
  • Foreign material or paper debris in the LF drive;

    - remove foreign material.
  • If other solution fail, replace one off the following

    - LF / EJ slit film

    - LF / EJ timing sensor unit

    - Paper feed roller unit

    - Logic board

    - Paper feed motor

Purge cam sensor error or Error Code 5C00

Condition: An error occurred in the purge unit.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Foreign material or paper debris around the purge drive system unit;

    - remove foreign material.
  • If other solution fail, replace one off the following

    - Purge drive system unit

    - Logic board

ASF sensor error or Error Code 5700

Condition: An error occurred in the ASF cam sensor.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Replace one of the following:

    - ASF unit

    - PE sensor board unit

    - Logic board

Internal temperature error or Error Code 5400

Condition: The internal temperature is not normal.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Replace one of the following:

    - Carriage unit

    - Logic board

    - Print head

Ink absorber is full or Error Code 5B00, 5B01

Condition: The ink absorber is supposed to be full. Message on the Monitor screen or printer LCD: Ink absorber full. Service required.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Ink absorber is full or waste pad inside the printer is almost full

    - Replace printer's Ink absorber pad and reset the ink absorber counter value in the EEPROM.

    Click here for your printer model reset procedure and service tools

Print head temperature rise error or Error Code 5200

Condition: The print head temperature exceeded the specified value.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Turn off the printer and then turn on if error still persist replace Ink cartridge or print head

EEPROM error or Error Code 6800, 6801

Condition: A problem occurred in reading from or writing to the EEPROM.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Replace logic board

VH monitor error or Error Code B200

Condition: The print head voltage is abnormal.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Replace Print head and logic board (Replace them at the same time.)
  • Replace Power supply unit
  • Check and Clean Head contact pin condition of the carriage unit
  • Check Cable connection especially the carriage FFC

Carriage lift mechanism error or Error Code 5110

Condition: The carriage did not move up or down properly.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Foreign material or paper debris that obstructs the carriage movement

    - remove foreign material.
  • Consider replacing:

    - Switch system unit

    - Carriage unit

APP position error or Error Code 6A80

Condition: An error occurred in the APP motor.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Check for foreign material or paper debris around the purge drive system unit

    - remove foreign material.
  • Check for foreign material or paper debris around the ASF unit

    - remove foreign material.
  • If other solution fail, replace one off the following part

    - Purge drive system unit

    - Logic board

APP sensor error or Error Code 6A90

Condition: An error occurred during paper feeding or purging.

Problems and Solutions:

  • check for foreign material or paper debris around the purge drive system unit;

    - remove foreign material.
  • check for foreign material or paper debris around the ASF unit;

    - remove foreign material.
  • If other solution fail, replace one off the following part

    - Purge drive system unit

    - Logic board

Paper feed cam sensor error or Error Code 6B10

Condition: An error occurred in the paper feed cam sensor during paper feeding from the cassette, or the paper absorbing a large amount of ink jammed in the PF rear guide.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Jammed paper in the PF rear guide (when a large amount of ink was absorbed in the paper);

    - remove the jammed paper and foreign material.
  • check for foreign material or paper debris in the cassette or in the PF rear guide;

    - remove foreign material.
  • If other solution fail, replace one off the following part

    - PF pick-up unit

    - Logic board

USB Host VBUS overcurrent or Error Code 9000

Condition: The USB Host VBUS is overloaded.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Replace Logic board

Pump roller sensor error or Error Code 5C20

Condition: The pump roller position cannot be detected.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Replace Purge drive system unit

Ink tank position sensor error or Error Code 6502

Condition: None of the ink tank position is detected.

Problems and Solutions:

  • check Ink tank position
  • Re-seat or replacement of ink tanks
  • Replace parts

    - Spur unit

    - Logic board

Flatbed motor error or Error Code 5012

Condition: An error occurred in the scanner flatbed motor.

Problems and Solutions:

  • replace Scanner unit

Valve cam sensor error or Error Code 6C10

Condition: The valve cam sensor was faulty at power-on or when purging was attempted.

Problems and Solutions:

  • check for foreign material or paper debris around the purge drive system unit;

    - remove foreign material.
  • Replace

    - Purge drive system unit

    - Logic board