Thursday, July 29, 2010

Daily Forex Signals and Predictions for July 29, 2010

It is more likely to go down to around 1.2950 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.3.
(Current Price: 1.3004)

It is more likely to go down to around 1.5540, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.5630.
(Current Price: 1.5605)

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FOREX NEWS . Beware from the today news: (GMT+7. Indonesia – Jakarta Time)
(see your time conversion at
01:00 USD
06:50 JPY
14:55 EUR
15:30 GBP
19:30 USD
(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Langkah untuk Meningkatkan Google Page Rank

Ada banyak cara yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan Page Rank, antara lain dengan bertukar Link dengan blog lain atau bisa dengan Cara yang mudah dan murah dengan meninggalkan komentar pada tiap posting artikel blog maka kita akan mendapat backlink secara gratis. Utamakan tiap komentar yang kita berikan masih berhubungan dengan artikel yang ada, Agar terhindar dari SPAM.
Pagerank Google didasarkan pada backlink, backlink yang mengarah ke blog Anda dari situs lain. Semakin banyak backlink yang anda miliki maka
PR akan semakin tinggi.

Berikut 5 Langkah untuk Meningkatkan Google Page Rank:

1. Bergabung dengan Forum
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Keberadaan website anda sangat penting untuk Anda. Semakin banyak orang melihat, atau mendengar tentang website Anda semakin Anda akan memiliki kredibilitas dan ini akan meningkatkan kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan pengunjung datang kembali dan mungkin menjadi rujukan.

2. Submit ke Mesin Pencari Direktori
Mesin pencari direktori merupakan cara yang baik untuk mendapatkan link gratis ke website Anda. banyak pilihan untuk mesin pencari populer seperti Google, Yahoo!, msn, dll.
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3. Menggunakan iklan (atau buletin)
Memasang iklan untuk mempromosikan situs anda mungkin akan menjadi langkah yang paling bermanfaat yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan keberadaan Web Anda. Bila Anda mempromosikan iklan Anda, anda akan bisa menarik pengunjung datang ke situs Web, dan bikin lah iklan semenarik mungkin.
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4. Membuat dan mempublikasikan artikel
Anda dapat memasukkan signature Anda dalam artikel Anda. Ini akan membawa lebih banyak trafik dari artikel submisi direktori. Signature Anda biasanya terdiri dari beberapa baris. Biasanya baris pertama akan menjadi judul di situs yang Anda ingin beriklan. Baris terakhir akan menjadi link ke situs web dan di antara baris tersebut akan menjadi penjualan pitch untuk menarik pembaca Anda ke website Anda.

5. Link dari blog yang mempunyai nick sama
Mendapatkan link dari relevan blog mungkin menjadi salah satu tugas yang paling menyebalkan karena mungkin agak sulit untuk menemukan situs nya. Tetapi untuk menemukan situs-situs yang terkait, yang perlu anda lakukan adalah pergi ke sebuah mesin pencari seperti Google? dan ketikan subjek yang kita cariyang berhubungan dengan situs kita.

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Topic Overview

Illustration of the skeletal system

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects your bones. It means you have bones that are thin and brittle, with lots of holes inside them like a sponge. This makes them easy to break. Osteoporosis can lead to broken bones (fractures) in the hip, spine, and wrist. These fractures can be disabling and may make it hard for you to live on your own.

See a picture of healthy bone versus bone weakened by osteoporosis Click here to see an illustration..

Osteoporosis affects millions of older adults. It usually strikes after age 60. It’s most common in women, but men can get it too.

What causes osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is caused by a lack of bone strength or bone density. As you age, your bones get thinner naturally. But some things can make you more likely to have the severe bone thinning of osteoporosis. These things are called risk factors. Some risk factors you can change. Others you can't change.

Risk factors you can't change include:

  • Your age. Your risk for osteoporosis goes up as you get older.
  • Being a woman who has gone through menopause. After menopause, the body makes less estrogen. Estrogen protects the body from bone loss.
  • Your family background. Osteoporosis tends to run in families.
  • Having a slender body frame.
  • Your race. People of European and Asian background are most likely to get osteoporosis.

Risk factors you can change include:

  • Smoking.
  • Not getting enough weight-bearing exercise.
  • Drinking too much alcohol.
  • Not getting enough calcium and vitamin D in the things you eat or from supplements.

To check your risk for osteoporosis, use this Interactive Tool: Are You At Risk for Osteoporosis? Click here to see an interactive tool.

What are the symptoms?

Osteoporosis can be very far along before you notice it. Sometimes the first sign is a broken bone in your hip, spine, or wrist after a bump or fall.

As the disease gets worse, you may have other signs, such as pain in your back. You might notice that you are not as tall as you used to be and that you have a curved backbone.

How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and do a physical exam. You may also have a test that measures your bone thickness (bone density test) and your risk for a fracture.

If the test finds that your bone thickness is less than normal but is not osteoporosis, you may have osteopenia, a less severe type of bone thinning.

It’s important to find and treat osteoporosis early to prevent bone fractures. The United States Preventive Services Task Force advises routine bone density testing for women age 65 and older. If you have a higher risk for fractures, it’s best to start getting the test at age 60.

How is it treated?

Treatment for osteoporosis includes medicine to reduce bone loss and to build bone thickness. Medicine can also give you relief from pain caused by fractures or other changes to your bones.

It’s important to take both calcium and vitamin D supplements along with any medicine you take for the disease. You need both of these supplements to build strong, healthy bones.

You can slow osteoporosis with new, healthy habits. If you smoke, quit. Get plenty of exercise. Walking, jogging, dancing, and lifting weights can make your bones stronger. Eat a healthy mix of foods that include calcium and vitamin D. Try dark green vegetables, yogurt, and milk (for calcium). Eat eggs, fatty fish, and fortified cereal (for vitamin D).

Making even small changes in how you eat and exercise, along with taking medicine, can help prevent a broken bone.

When you have osteoporosis, it’s important to protect yourself from falling. Reduce your risk of breaking a bone by making your home safer. Make sure there’s enough light in your home. Remove throw rugs and clutter that you may trip over. Put sturdy handrails on stairs.

Tips for preventing anemiaTips for preventing anemia

Anemia occurs when there are too few red blood cells in the blood. A complete blood count (CBC) can determine whether anemia is present.

Women who have heavy and prolonged periods may develop anemia, because the body cannot produce blood as fast as it is being lost. Your body needs iron to make new blood cells. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 18 mg. You may need to increase your iron intake to 20 mg per day if your periods are heavy or prolonged.

Your diet is the best source of iron. It is better for you to eat a balanced diet than it is to take dietary supplements. Red meats, shellfish, eggs, beans, and green leafy vegetables are the best sources of iron.

Other good sources of iron include:

  • Clams [canned drained, 3 oz (85.1 g)]
  • Oysters [3.5 oz (99.2 g)]
  • Shrimp [3.5 oz (99.2 g)]
  • Beef liver [3 oz (85.1 g)]
  • Lean beef [3 oz (85.1 g)]
  • Lentils (uncooked, 1 cup)
  • Green peas (uncooked, 1 cup)
  • Spinach (uncooked, 1 cup)
  • Raisins (1 cup)
  • Prunes (10)
  • Enriched wheat bread (1 slice)
  • Egg (1)
  • Iron-enriched cereals (1 cup, read label for exact amounts)

Cooking in iron cookware will add small amounts of iron to the food.

Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron. Be sure your diet includes 250 mg of vitamin C per day.

Consider using a nonprescription iron supplement (such as ferrous sulfate) or a multivitamin if you are unable to meet your need for iron through your diet. For more information about iron, see the topic Healthy Eating.

You may become constipated when you are taking an iron supplement. To avoid constipation:

  • Increase dietary fiber.
  • Eat plenty of fruits.
  • Drink at least 2 to 4 extra glasses of water per day.

Quick Facts About Insomnia: What You Need to Know NowQuick Facts About Insomnia: What You Need to Know Now

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a common sleep problem that can affect your quality of life. People with insomnia have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. They may wake up during the night or wake up too early the next morning.

Your sleep problems may come and go, or they may be ongoing.

  • A short-term sleep problem is often linked to short-term stress. This short-term insomnia can last for days to weeks. It often gets better in less than a month.
  • A chronic sleep problem is ongoing. This is called chronic insomnia. It is often a symptom of another health problem, such as depression or chronic pain. Chronic insomnia is less common than short-term sleep problems.

What causes insomnia?

There are many things that can cause sleep problems. Insomnia may be caused by:

  • Stress. Stress can be caused by fear about a single event, such as giving a speech. Or you may have ongoing stress, such as worry about work or school.
  • Depression, anxiety, and other mental or emotional conditions.
  • Poor sleep habits, such as watching TV in bed or not having a regular bedtime schedule. If you have trouble sleeping, you may worry about being able to fall asleep. This can make the problem worse.
  • Changes in your sleep habits or surroundings. This includes changes that happen where you sleep, such as noise, light, or sleeping in a different bed. It also includes changes in your sleep pattern, such as having jet lag or working a late shift.
  • Other health problems, such as pain, breathing problems, and restless legs syndrome.
  • Stimulants, such as tobacco and caffeine, as well as certain medicines, alcohol, and drugs.
  • Lack of regular exercise.1

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of insomnia are different for each person. People with insomnia may:

  • Have trouble falling asleep. This can mean lying in bed for up to an hour or more, tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep.
  • Wake up during the night and have trouble going back to sleep.
  • Wake up too early in the morning.
  • Feel tired when they wake up, like they didn't get enough sleep.
  • Feel grouchy, sleepy, or anxious, and be unable to get things done during the daytime.

How is insomnia diagnosed?

Insomnia is not a disease, and no test can diagnose it. But when you can't sleep well, it often has to do with some other cause. Your doctor will probably assess your current health and ask about any health problems you have had and any medicines you are taking.

Sometimes a doctor will do a physical exam, blood tests, and, in some cases, sleep studies to help find out if you have a health problem that may be causing the insomnia.

Your doctor may also ask about your sleep history—how well you sleep, how long you sleep, your bedtime habits, and any unusual behaviors you may have. Your doctor may ask you to keep a sleep diary, which is a record of your sleep patterns, for a week or two. He or she may recommend a counselor if your symptoms point to a mental health problem, such as depression or anxiety.

How is it treated?

Treatment for insomnia focuses on the reason why you don't sleep well. If you have a medical problem, such as chronic pain, or an emotional problem, such as stress, treating that problem may help you sleep better. You may be able to sleep better by making some small changes. It may help to:

  • Go to bed at the same time each night.
  • Get up at the same time each day.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol for several hours before bedtime.
  • Get regular exercise (but make sure you finish the exercise at least 3 to 4 hours before you go to bed).
  • Avoid daytime naps.

Some people may need medicine for a while to help them fall asleep. Doctors often prescribe medicine for a short time if other treatment isn't working. But medicine doesn't work as well over time as lifestyle and behavior changes do.2 Sleep medicine can also become habit-forming. Medicine works best as a short-term treatment combined with lifestyle and behavior changes.

Your doctor may also recommend counseling, which can help you learn new habits that may help you sleep better.

Talk to your doctor about your sleep problems and any other health issues you may have. This is important, because lack of sleep can lead to depression, accidents, problems at work, marital and social problems, drinking more alcohol than usual, and poor health. Treatment may help you avoid these problems and feel better.

How Doctors Diagnose Insomnia, and What You Can Do to Help

Insomnia is not a disease, and no specific test can diagnose it. But it can make you feel bad, and it can affect your health. It can also be a sign of other problems. Your doctor may want to do blood tests to rule out certain medical conditions such as thyroid problems. "Normal sleep" differs for each person. Checking your health and sleep history is an important first step to finding a cause for poor-quality sleep. Talk with your doctor about your medical history and any medical problems you have or any medicines you are taking.

* Your doctor can learn a lot about your insomnia and its causes by reviewing your sleep history. He or she may also ask you to keep a sleep diary Click here to view a form. (What is a PDF document?) for 1 or 2 weeks to track your sleep patterns and habits. Your sleep diary can help your doctor spot certain habits that may affect your sleep, or even see signs of a hidden health problem that may need to be checked out.
* If your symptoms point to mental health concerns, such as depression or anxiety, you may be referred to a mental health professional.

Sleep studies

If your doctor thinks that you have a sleep disorder, he or she may refer you for a sleep study. When you have a sleep study, you stay overnight in a special sleep lab.

Your doctor may recommend a sleep study if your insomnia seems to be caused by breathing problems (such as sleep apnea) or periodic limb movement disorder, or if you have tried other treatment that hasn't worked.3

Sleep studies are not helpful for insomnia caused by mental health problems, fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue syndrome.3

Monday, July 19, 2010

Resetter Canon IP 2770

Teman-teman bingung dengan CAnon IP2770 Yang Ngeblink....
Ikuti aja Dialog DIbawah Ini:
Ziliang Huang : ada yg tau gak tentang Tentang Reset IP 2770.dan di pasang infus.
Ansorulloh : klo ngeresetnya aku belum pernah nangani cos blm ad pasien yg spt itu. klo pasang infus, tu selang infusnya aku lewat atas lebih sedikit yg cacatnya. cuma dilubangi satu lubang saja untuk ngikat selang infusannya. bisa juga lewat depan, menurut saya lebih simple lewat atas drpd lewat depan.
klo pembuangannya banyak baut yg dilepas untuk ngambil selang yg pendek di bawah. bongkar paper tray. klo yg selang pembuangan satunya enak aja, panjang menjulur ke belakang n kelihatan.
itu dulu yg bisa ku sharing. moga bermanfaat.

Ziliang Huang : soalnya kemarin gue pasang infus siap tu kan tinta di cartridge nya habis kan harus riset cartridnya tapi gak mau apa kah cartridnya yg rusak atu apa mohon bantuannya
Ansorulloh : dilayar monitor ap tulisannya?? catrid run out atau not recogniced??
Ziliang Huang : cartridge has run out
Ansorulloh : boss.. huang!! coba tekan dan tahan tombol resumnya selama 5detik. biasanya mau tu!!!
Demang Tyo : soory tanya s x an nih klo catridge not recogniced ...... gimana tuh boss?
Husnan : kalau notrecognizeg brarti katridnya udah minta adek tuh
Boim Super : kalo gak salah type ctridnya Blacknya 8bk ya bos...
Demang Tyo : @ husnan : berati d ganti boss..?
@ boim : klo ga slh 810 bos
Zilliang HUang : cartridnya black 810 calour 811
uda di coba berkali2 tapi gak bisa bro.
Hati KEcil : berarti blum ad yg dpet resetter ip2770 ea...
berat jg ea...
Husnan : sabar sabar .....
diusahakn buat resetter sendiri trus kalau udah jadi kita bagi ke teman teman.....
moga aja ada orang yang dah punya resetternya...
pasien udah banyak nich....
Demang Tyo : betul gan
Hati KEcil : siap gan....
msi d laksnakan,,,
Husnan : sudah ada yang nemu belum trik reset ip2770 nya.....
pasien makin banyak nich....
Zilliang Huang : blm.moga2 cepat di temukan
Hati KEcil : SAIA SUDAH NEMU,,,,
colokan KABEL POWER..
BLINKING LAGEE<<> klik disini untuk download resetter canon IP2770
resetter ini belum di crack. mungkin ada teman yang bisa nge-crack, jadi kita bisa saling bertukar info

Resetter Canon IP 2770

Teman-teman bingung dengan CAnon IP2770 Yang Ngeblink....
Ikuti aja Dialog DIbawah Ini:
Ziliang Huang : ada yg tau gak tentang Tentang Reset IP 2770.dan di pasang infus.
Ansorulloh : klo ngeresetnya aku belum pernah nangani cos blm ad pasien yg spt itu. klo pasang infus, tu selang infusnya aku lewat atas lebih sedikit yg cacatnya. cuma dilubangi satu lubang saja untuk ngikat selang infusannya. bisa juga lewat depan, menurut saya lebih simple lewat atas drpd lewat depan.
klo pembuangannya banyak baut yg dilepas untuk ngambil selang yg pendek di bawah. bongkar paper tray. klo yg selang pembuangan satunya enak aja, panjang menjulur ke belakang n kelihatan.
itu dulu yg bisa ku sharing. moga bermanfaat.

Ziliang Huang : soalnya kemarin gue pasang infus siap tu kan tinta di cartridge nya habis kan harus riset cartridnya tapi gak mau apa kah cartridnya yg rusak atu apa mohon bantuannya
Ansorulloh : dilayar monitor ap tulisannya?? catrid run out atau not recogniced??
Ziliang Huang : cartridge has run out
Ansorulloh : boss.. huang!! coba tekan dan tahan tombol resumnya selama 5detik. biasanya mau tu!!!
Demang Tyo : soory tanya s x an nih klo catridge not recogniced ...... gimana tuh boss?
Husnan : kalau notrecognizeg brarti katridnya udah minta adek tuh
Boim Super : kalo gak salah type ctridnya Blacknya 8bk ya bos...
Demang Tyo : @ husnan : berati d ganti boss..?
@ boim : klo ga slh 810 bos
Zilliang HUang : cartridnya black 810 calour 811
uda di coba berkali2 tapi gak bisa bro.
Hati KEcil : berarti blum ad yg dpet resetter ip2770 ea...
berat jg ea...
Husnan : sabar sabar .....
diusahakn buat resetter sendiri trus kalau udah jadi kita bagi ke teman teman.....
moga aja ada orang yang dah punya resetternya...
pasien udah banyak nich....
Demang Tyo : betul gan
Hati KEcil : siap gan....
msi d laksnakan,,,
Husnan : sudah ada yang nemu belum trik reset ip2770 nya.....
pasien makin banyak nich....
Zilliang Huang : blm.moga2 cepat di temukan
Hati KEcil : SAIA SUDAH NEMU,,,,
colokan KABEL POWER..
BLINKING LAGEE<<> klik disini untuk download resetter canon IP2770
resetter ini belum di crack. mungkin ada teman yang bisa nge-crack, jadi kita bisa saling bertukar info

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Osteoporosis (cont.)

What are the consequences of osteoporosis?

Osteoporotic bone fractures are responsible for considerable pain, decreased quality of life, lost workdays, and disability. Up to 30% of patients suffering a hip fracture will require long-term nursing-home care. Elderly patients can develop pneumonia and blood clots in the leg veins that can travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) due to prolonged bed rest after the hip fracture. Osteoporosis has even been linked with an increased risk of death. Some 20% of women with a hip fracture will die in the subsequent year as an indirect result of the fracture. In addition, once a person has experienced a spine fracture due to osteoporosis, he or she is at very high risk of suffering another such fracture in the near future (next few years). About 20% of postmenopausal women who experience a vertebral fracture will suffer a new vertebral fracture of bone in the following year.

Why is osteoporosis an important public health issue?

In the U.S., 44 million people have low bone density (10 million have osteoporosis and 34 million have osteopenia). This amounts to 55% of the U.S. population aged 50 years and older.

One in two Caucasian women will experience a bone fracture due to osteoporosis in her lifetime.

In the U.S., direct health-care costs from osteoporosis fractures amount to a billion dollars, without even taking into account the indirect costs, such as lost days at work and productivity.

Approximately 20% of those who experience a hip fracture will die in the year following the fracture.

One-third of hip-fracture patients are discharged to a nursing home within the year after fracture.

Only one-third of hip-fracture patients regain their pre-fracture level of function.
With the aging of America, the number of people with osteoporosis-related fractures will increase exponentially. The pain, suffering, and overall impact on health and economic costs will be enormous.

Osteoporosis (cont.)

What are the consequences of osteoporosis?

Osteoporotic bone fractures are responsible for considerable pain, decreased quality of life, lost workdays, and disability. Up to 30% of patients suffering a hip fracture will require long-term nursing-home care. Elderly patients can develop pneumonia and blood clots in the leg veins that can travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) due to prolonged bed rest after the hip fracture. Osteoporosis has even been linked with an increased risk of death. Some 20% of women with a hip fracture will die in the subsequent year as an indirect result of the fracture. In addition, once a person has experienced a spine fracture due to osteoporosis, he or she is at very high risk of suffering another such fracture in the near future (next few years). About 20% of postmenopausal women who experience a vertebral fracture will suffer a new vertebral fracture of bone in the following year.

Why is osteoporosis an important public health issue?

In the U.S., 44 million people have low bone density (10 million have osteoporosis and 34 million have osteopenia). This amounts to 55% of the U.S. population aged 50 years and older.

One in two Caucasian women will experience a bone fracture due to osteoporosis in her lifetime.

In the U.S., direct health-care costs from osteoporosis fractures amount to a billion dollars, without even taking into account the indirect costs, such as lost days at work and productivity.

Approximately 20% of those who experience a hip fracture will die in the year following the fracture.

One-third of hip-fracture patients are discharged to a nursing home within the year after fracture.

Only one-third of hip-fracture patients regain their pre-fracture level of function.
With the aging of America, the number of people with osteoporosis-related fractures will increase exponentially. The pain, suffering, and overall impact on health and economic costs will be enormous.

Osteoporosis (cont.)

What are the consequences of osteoporosis?

Osteoporotic bone fractures are responsible for considerable pain, decreased quality of life, lost workdays, and disability. Up to 30% of patients suffering a hip fracture will require long-term nursing-home care. Elderly patients can develop pneumonia and blood clots in the leg veins that can travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) due to prolonged bed rest after the hip fracture. Osteoporosis has even been linked with an increased risk of death. Some 20% of women with a hip fracture will die in the subsequent year as an indirect result of the fracture. In addition, once a person has experienced a spine fracture due to osteoporosis, he or she is at very high risk of suffering another such fracture in the near future (next few years). About 20% of postmenopausal women who experience a vertebral fracture will suffer a new vertebral fracture of bone in the following year.

Why is osteoporosis an important public health issue?

In the U.S., 44 million people have low bone density (10 million have osteoporosis and 34 million have osteopenia). This amounts to 55% of the U.S. population aged 50 years and older.

One in two Caucasian women will experience a bone fracture due to osteoporosis in her lifetime.

In the U.S., direct health-care costs from osteoporosis fractures amount to a billion dollars, without even taking into account the indirect costs, such as lost days at work and productivity.

Approximately 20% of those who experience a hip fracture will die in the year following the fracture.

One-third of hip-fracture patients are discharged to a nursing home within the year after fracture.

Only one-third of hip-fracture patients regain their pre-fracture level of function.
With the aging of America, the number of people with osteoporosis-related fractures will increase exponentially. The pain, suffering, and overall impact on health and economic costs will be enormous.


What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by a decrease in the density of bone, decreasing its strength and resulting in fragile bones. Osteoporosis literally leads to abnormally porous bone that is compressible, like a sponge. This disorder of the skeleton weakens the bone and results in frequent fractures (breaks) in the bones.

Normal bone is composed of protein, collagen, and calcium all of which give bone its strength. Bones that are affected by osteoporosis can break (fracture) with relatively minor injury that normally would not cause a bone to fracture. The fracture can be either in the form of cracking (as in a hip fracture) or collapsing (as in a compression fracture of the vertebrae of the spine). The spine, hips, ribs, and wrists are common areas of bone fractures from osteoporosis although osteoporosis-related fractures can occur in almost any skeletal bone.

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis can be present without any symptoms for decades because osteoporosis doesn't cause symptoms until bone fractures. Moreover, some osteoporotic fractures may escape detection for years when they do not cause symptoms. Therefore, patients may not be aware of their osteoporosis until they suffer a painful fracture. The symptom associated with osteoporotic fractures usually is pain; the location of the pain depends on the location of the fracture.

Fractures of the spine (vertebra) can cause severe "band-like" pain that radiates from the back to the sides of the body. Over the years, repeated spinal fractures can lead to chronic lower back pain as well as loss of height or curving of the spine due to collapse of the vertebrae. The collapse gives individuals a hunched-back appearance of the upper back, often called a "dowager hump" because it commonly is seen in elderly women.

A fracture that occurs during the course of normal activity is called a minimal trauma or stress fracture. For example, some patients with osteoporosis develop stress fractures of the feet while walking or stepping off a curb.

Hip fractures typically occur as a result of a fall. With osteoporosis, hip fractures can occur as a result of trivial accidents. Hip fractures also may heal slowly or poorly after surgical repair because of poor healing of the bone.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Out-of-hours births 'are riskier'

By Clare Murphy
Health reporter, BBC News

Women are being offered more choice over where they give birth
Babies born at night or at the weekend are at a greater risk of dying than those born within normal working hours, a study suggests.

The analysis of more than one million births in Scotland over two decades found the risk of death for babies born out of hours, while small, was a third higher than for those born in the day.

Night staffing and access to facilities were possible explanations, Glasgow and Cambridge universities suggested.

Those born between 0900 and 1700 on Monday to Friday were classified as being within normal working hours, all others as out-of-hours, the British Medical Journal reported.

In all, there were 539 deaths.

The team adjusted for a wide range of factors and excluded babies born via planned caesarean, who are usually delivered during the day.

The team argued that as the risk of death for these babies was so much lower than for those born vaginally, their inclusion could overstate the risks of out-of-hours birth.

'Improving care'
But even with these exclusions, the difference persisted.

For mothers giving birth during the normal working week, the risk of their baby dying was 4.2 per 10,000, and 5.6 per 10,000 at all other times.

Improving the level of clinical care for women delivering out of normal hours might reduce the overall rates of perinatal death, the research team, led by obstetrician Professor Gordon Smith, suggested.

They acknowledged that the expenditure required to save only a few lives might be seen as out of proportion, but they noted that they only looked at deaths: much money is spent on long-term developmental problems caused by oxygen deprivation at birth.

"Any interventions that improved outcomes out-of-hours would therefore be likely to have a greater effect than merely reducing the number of neonatal deaths," they wrote.

In an accompanying editorial, David Field, professor of neonatal medicine at Leicester University, agreed it was important that more experienced clinicians were immediately available.

But he also stressed that there was increasing momentum towards giving women more choice over where they gave birth, including at home, in hospital, or in a midwife-led unit.

"These different facilities will not be the same in terms of ethos, the services they offer, or the risks associated with delivery, and these differences should be transparent," he said.

"This would allow women to make a genuine choice of site for delivery in consultation with their midwifery and medical advisers."

Training opportunities
Dr Tahir Mahmood, vice-president at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said all women in labour should be offered one-to-one care by a midwife and an experienced obstetrician.

"Increasing the presence of consultants in the labour ward around the clock would not only improve training opportunities for the junior doctors but would also improve standards of care for all women in labour."

Janet Scott, research manager at the charity Sands, said the findings were shocking.

"Had these babies been born at a different time of day they may well have survived. This is completely unacceptable," she said.

"A baby's life should not rest on whether or not they are born in office hours."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

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